Evolutionary Genomics of Sex

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Diverse, inclusive and collaborative lab environment

We strive to create a diverse, inclusive and highly interactive and collaborative lab culture. We welcome and encourage students and researchers from diverse cultural, racial and economic backgrounds to join our brand new lab. Your values and options matter to us and will help us shape our inclusive, constructive and collaborative lab environment. If this is something resonant to you, please consider applying for open positions below and help spread the word.

PhD positions

There is FWO PhD fellowship (deadline is about early March per year) from Belgian Flanders public research council to fully support the PhD salary for up to 4 years total and a certain fixed research funding per year.

We are also seeking PhD students through the CSC-VUB Scholarship Program, funded by the Chinese Scholarship Council. This program supports Chinese students pursuing a PhD at VUB. Candidates are selected by mid-December from the host lab at VUB, after which they apply for CSC funding in March in the following year, with results expected in April-May. Successful applicants will begin their PhD in September. The program boasts a success rate of 50-70%.

Please get in touch early to talk about potential projects to host your PhD fellowship in our lab.

Postdoctoral researcher positions

There are various fellowship/funding options to join the lab, including Marie Curie Postdoc Fellowship, Belgian research council FWO postdoc fellowship. Both fellowships DO NOT depend on the nationality of the applicant, but please check other eligibility criteria.

There is also postdoc scholarship through the CSC-VUB Scholarship Program, funded by the Chinese Scholarship Council. This program supports Chinese students conduct postdoc research at VUB.

Please get in touch early, I am happy to discuss projects and identify funding sources to help you secure your own funding.