Evolutionary Genomics of Sex

MinION long-reads sequencing of Microbotryum fungi

today I launched another MinION sequencing run for one of the anther smut Microbotryum fungi species. We had successfully retained high yield of DNA from ligation sequencing protocol, with home made and tested modifications for certain steps (contact me if you have problem to retain enough DNA sample to run a flow cell, will be happy to share my experiences and modified protocol). I am excited to observe the live sequencing and very looking forward to the results and genome assembly!

MinION sequencing device is on the run now! 07.2018


This shows the MinION flow cell total 512 channels panel status, green denotes sequencing and active pores, dark blue is recovering pores, light blue is inactive ones, 07.2018.


This image shows the number of active, inactive channel used overtime through the sequencing run, 07.2018.