Welcome postdoc Meriç
Warm to join the team and we look forward to working and having fun with you in exploring sex chromosome evolution in frogs and beyond
Paris and Wen-Juan gave a guest lecture on 'Sex chromosome evolution' at Université libre de Bruxelles
Welcome the first postdoc of the lab Sagar!
Warm welcome to join the team and we look forward to working and having fun with you in exploring sex chromosome evolution in frogs and beyond
Welcome bachelor thesis student Marie Aerts
Welcome Master student Marzie Bagheri
Welcome Era-Alexandra to join the Ma lab as the first PhD student!
Welcome, Era!
So much exciting start day in the field, and look what Era found
Wen-Juan joins JEB editorial board as an Associate Editor
Congratulations! Go, Wen-Juan!
First day to start faculty job at Vrije Uniersiteit Brussel
My ERC Starting Grant has been awarded!
To further study unconventional #SexChromosomes #SexDetermination #SexuallyAntagonisticSelection
Big thanks to all my fantastic mentors, collaborators and friends who made this possible
Currently I am on the process of deciding where my #ERCStG grant will be affiliated with. Hopefully soon I will provide an update. There will be recruitment on all levels (#PhD, #Postdoc, #Technician), please watch this space for further update
Huge thanks for many #ERCStG laureates for their comments and advices, especially @YukoUlrich, @SelfishMeme, @NStroeymeyt, @judithmank
... I greatly appreciate all your help, time, patience, and I benefit all your wisdom!
Thanks for my PhD and postdoc advisors for their help along the way, to help shape my proposal and the help during the mock interview, especially @RobUnckless from @UnivOfKansas, Leo Beukeboom from @univgroningen and John Pannell from @unil.
Big thanks to colleagues & friends for many rounds of mock interviews: @bioboatr, John Kelly, @LenaHileman, @bdelloid & others from @KU_EEB; @SchwanderTanja
, Deborah Charlesworth, @DarrenJParker, @parisveltsos, @alexander_suh, @zhouqi1982, @MRovatsos, @Susananfreitas and Lukas Kratochvil. Read More…
Moved to the NEW Science Center Building
Science Centre under beautiful blue sky!
The inside view of highly energy saving design using natural light through giant windows!
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Two months of productive collaborations with Tatiana Giraud lab at University of Paris-Sud, Orsay, France
Gorgeous view of lab in Orsay, France!
The lab building when I left on 02. Oct. 2018, with the beautiful autumn colours!
Visiting our collaborator Prof. Tatiana Giraud lab at Université Paris-Sud in Orsay, France
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Great thanks for all awesome summer interns of Hood lab
Hood lab photo with all the summer interns, it was great fun to work with you! Thank you all again for your hard work and substantial contributions. See you in the Fall! From left to right: Sangmin Song, James Colwell, Irish Amundson, Kelley Baumann, myself, and Sarah Gayer.
MinION long-reads sequencing of Microbotryum fungi
MinION sequencing device is on the run now! 07.2018
This shows the MinION flow cell total 512 channels panel status, green denotes sequencing and active pores, dark blue is recovering pores, light blue is inactive ones, 07.2018.
This image shows the number of active, inactive channel used overtime through the sequencing run, 07.2018.
Moved to Amherst
Our lab MinION long reads sequencing device (loading HMW DNA samples), 06.2018.
The window view from my new office at Amherst College, 05.2018.
The Mead Art Museum tower at Amherst College, 05.2018.
Graduation weekend of Amherst College, 05.2018.